Building your team - Why Go for the Permanent Role?
Have you ever received a speculative candidate CV hit your inbox from a trusted recruitment agency? On reflection, there is a difference between how the Supply Chain industry works at different levels. For decades we have been content to flex the operational resource need with agency, flexible contracts and multiple shift patterns. When it comes to operational management or analytical expertise, we have sought to recruit permanent positions, however.
Supply Chain Resource is Dynamic
“An operation going through considerable change requires a different management and team skillset to that of an established and routine operation.”

This is both interesting and confusing. Supply Chain roles often have the most diverse skills requirement of any industry.
Indeed, it is not only the skills but also the number of heads that can vary significantly.
An operation going through considerable change requires a different management and team skillset to that of an established and routine operation. However, positions tend to be filled in the same way.
Headcount Boom and Bust
And how often have we seen the cyclical pattern of recruiting specialist teams when companies are optimistic about the future, only to prioritise this team for redundancy when budgets are tightened? The truth is that supply chain headcount and skillset needs are cyclical, and companies should reflect this in their talent strategy.
The Slater Austin Approach. The right people in the right place, at the right time to deliver.
At Slater Austin, we work with various businesses, maintaining our relationships at board level. That way, when a business has a supply chain need, Slater Austin can fulfil it immediately from its network of skilled supply chain experts. The right people, in the right place, at the right time to deliver. See what we can offer you.